Friday, April 10, 2009

"...Immediately, Miss Julianna Smith cracked her whip over the head of the evil computer. In his left hard drive, the evil computer was plotting world takeover. After he exterminated humans, he planned to build a race of super-robots. Throwing caution to the wind, he began to enact his plan, only to be thwarted and killed by Smith."

hahah badass I know! I found it grading papers last night and almost had a laughing attack, its so cute.


Renae said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Hilarious! What imagination!

Leigh said...

Was that one of Tory's papers?

Julie Smith said...

haha yes tory but i'm pretty sure she was trying to score brownie points with me by amusing me.

leigh said...

Sounds like her. I don't think she's changed as much as you'd like to believe. ;)

Tory said...

i wrote that!!!!!!