Thursday, July 31, 2008

Its summer baby!!! and i love the sun and sun related activities! I adore the beach and everything that goes along with it. i hate rain. it makes me feel dismal and hollow. For instance, this is summer where I was raised. ughh how can you stand for that?

the sun starts creeping behind the clouds and before you know it...

your wet and so are your veggies. it all happens so fast you barely have time to think. its so barbaric!
AHHH! now this is more like it.

beauty! Thats what I call a summer! now, wheres my oatmeal?


Christie and Julie said...

ha!!! the second picture is a typical day out and about trying to keep your kurta from getting wet your shoes are filled with water the road looks like a river and when you bring home the samosas they're wet and soggy....ahaha! im so thankful that we don't have monsoon here.


Heidi Marie D'Abadie - Trina Marie Noell said...

ahhahah DUDE! rain is AWSOME! it makes me so happy! sun carries germs... -heidi

Michelle said...

HAHAHHAH, MONSOON RAIN IS SIIIICK STUFF. It's like having a lot a lot of sweat drip on you while running home to avoid it. SICK SICK STUFF!!!! But I miss it. The Rollerskating road. harhar

Anonymous said...

oh, weep, I'd take that monsoon rain anyday over the freezing cold winter I just arrived at! I love summer, even with the rain, but summer during christmas will be strange

Anonymous said...

you bet your bottom dollar.!!! heidi YOU carry germs and oh i had a dream about you last night so weird i dont remember what happend but i KNOW you were in it