Monday, July 14, 2008

heres are pictures from the cancer birthday party. i'm REALLY sorry about the side ways ones just turn your head.

ALSO a little HAPPY BIRTHDAY for my christie. i wish i could spend it with you. i miss you!!!
trapping you in the bathroom with mattresses
making you buy lemon strepzels
your such a trooper!!!
....her teeth clatter. her bones shatter on the rocks, beside the sea....
beautiful song writer. you have talent!!

guess what it doesnt work to upload a picture of her. just picture this a little girl with eyes like the sea!!! and a smile to match. i love her

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sweet! what dress are you wearing? lisa from wordstock 3 was there! ha ha! so cool. whos yucky infected foot is that!?!? nyna looks so pretty in these pics! happy birthday to the wonderful cancer ladys...what is it we rule over? oh yes!! you all have wonderful...eyes.