Its summer baby!!! and i love the sun and sun related activities! I adore the beach and everything that goes along with it. i hate rain. it makes me feel dismal and hollow. For instance, this is summer where I was raised. ughh how can you stand for that? the sun starts creeping behind the clouds and before you know it... your wet and so are your veggies. it all happens so fast you barely have time to think. its so barbaric! AHHH! now this is more like it. beauty! Thats what I call a summer! now, wheres my oatmeal?
this is keren cute! i have this on my desktop. she called me for my birthday and sang this happy birthday julie happy birthday julie happy birthday MY JULIEEE happy birthday julie. i love youuu aww i love her so much!! i miss taking care of kids. i'm not super at it but they are patient and kind with me. i love how you can be a fool around kids and they love you for it. my new office job is also nice. here is jonny and family playing computer. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONNY!! i think lessi looks like paula here. yeahhh...there is this photo of paula in a swim suit and it looks JUST like this. i miss paula...everything was better with her here cute! this 6 year old is so cool. i remember playing the entertainer. it took me 3 weeks to learn...uhh!! i'm so jelous.
i love the way he talks...the hand motions...cute!
your the best bully, partner in crime, friend, keyboard-sing-tap-your-foot-player, try-to-fix-anitas-dinner-during-practice, read-sunsign-books-and-get-mad, walk-to-penguins-to-get-fairness cream, record-in-a-studio-full-of-rats-and-russian-boys SISTER ever!!! ILY
Monday, July 21, 2008
....this blog has seen better days.
Monday, July 14, 2008
heres are pictures from the cancer birthday party. i'm REALLY sorry about the side ways ones just turn your head.
ALSO a little HAPPY BIRTHDAY for my christie. i wish i could spend it with you. i miss you!!! trapping you in the bathroom with mattresses making you buy lemon strepzels your such a trooper!!! ....her teeth clatter. her bones shatter on the rocks, beside the sea.... beautiful song writer. you have talent!!
guess what it doesnt work to upload a picture of her. just picture this a little girl with eyes like the sea!!! and a smile to match. i love her
kracker-jacks or sweet popcorn or whatever you want to call it..i just made this with grandma and it is DE-LISH! heres how it goes:
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white corn syrup (probly just cooked up sugar and water)
1/2 stick of buter
boil all that for 5 minutes and then add
1 tsp vanilla and 1 tsp baking soda (weird i know but just do it..)
pour over 1 big bowl of popcorn (probably like 2 microwave packages), mix it around and bake it for 1 1/2 hours on a big greesed pan. stir it once while its in the oven or it will BURN (somthing like that)
i had a bit of a stressful flight because i wore bad travel clothes. but now i am here and enjoying some fabulous depression coffe! last night we went for a walk to mommys old highschool and i jumped up and down and said "oh oh doesn't it bring back so many old memories for you!?!?!?" she was like no. oh well we ate split pea soup for dinner with extra emphisis on the SPLIT.
driving is peaceful without jimi trying to play travel games, julie pounding you when you accidently put your head on her shoulder, mom singing "ill fly away" and dad telling everyone to be quiet.
grandma just pulled my birthday cake from last year out of the freezer!.. its going to be one heck of a weekend folks!