Wednesday, April 30, 2008

three years ago

when we were together. but now its you go your way tom and i'll go mine.
lets go on a lollipop walk to windpass. ahhh its raining AGAIN be sure to take ur hideous RED and TURQUOISE jackets. we need more lip gloss from the dye guy. we should make a list. what an idea! lets wear matching black shirts girls. yes of course we're triplets from africa. what do mean we're too white?? WELL not all africas are black you know...chyeah.

and these are funny. they remind me of home. i can even relate to some of them.

Few Funny Facts about Indians
* You put your clothes in suitcases instead of wardrobes.
* You have a 'Singer Brother' sewing machine at home.
* Your mother has a minor disagreement with her sister and doesn't talk to her for ten years.
* You call an older person you've never met before "uncle".
* You hide everything from your parents.
* Your mother does everything for you if you are male.
* You do all the housework and cooking if you are female.
* Your relatives alone could populate a small city.
* Everyone is a family friend.
* You read law, medicine or engineering at university.
* You were thick (i.e. stupid) so you studied accounting or business instead.
* You went to a university as far away from home as possible.
* You still came back home to live with your parents after you had finished.
* You like the meat well done.
* You eat onions with everything.
* You use chilli sauce instead of tomato ketchup.
* You fight over who pays the dinner bill.
* You say you hate Indian films(/songs) but secretly watch(/hear) them with your parents.
* You order Indian food in your own language to impress the people you're with but the waiters don't understand you.
* You always say "open the light" instead of "turn the light on".
* You secure your baggage with a rope.
* You're walking out of customs with your trolley at the airport and you see all twenty-five members of your family who have come to pick you up.
* You get very upset when airlines refuse to accept your luggage which is just 80 lbs. overweight.
* You go back to your parents' country and people treat you like a member of...the royal family.
* You ask your dad a simple question and he tells you story of how he had to walk miles barefoot just to get to school.
* Your Dad drives a GM.
* You're rich so he drives a Mercedes.
* You're parents would freak out if you wore a crop top baring your midriff...but wearing a sari is perfectly acceptable
* You are ALWAYS taking off and putting on your shoes wherever you go to your American friends, oil is used purely for cooking and not as a grooming aid
* You have annoying nicknames like Chotu or Chicku,(lots more to add here)
* Your parents drink 6 cups of tea a day
* You are sick and tired of answering questions about "the dot"(bhindi)
* You could not explain your religion to someone if you tried
* You have cousins you have never met, whose names you don't know, but who insist they're related to you, even though they bear NO resemblance to...anyone YOU know.
* The second you pull out of someone's driveway, your parents start talking...about them.
* Every few months your parents say when they're moving back to India


Michelle said...

haha! the sari thing is so true

Anonymous said...

omggg this is so true...ugh india i hate it with ever inch of my gut which is rotting from being so drenched in curry...u guys rock ily tonz

Heidi Marie D'Abadie - Trina Marie Noell said...

hahahhah that was too good!!! i love you guys...-heidi