Sunday, April 20, 2008

run forrest run!

thanks for the gentle hint julie.
well ive been a latchkey kid for 5 days now and life couldnt be better yeeehaaaw except ohh lord give me the grace to live with jimi. well last night i put the little tadpoles to sleep so that angie could eat alot of meat....oh i mean go to a BBQ at FCF. i made pasta and then we all read angelina ballerina and the butterfly...those kids are picture perfect also i got to watch finding nemo but that was before dinner.. ive never been good with chronological order. i was so cold last night does that ever happen to you hahahahah i tryed to snuggle with shali for warmth but she kicked me ahahah KIDS THESE DAYS!!!! julie never like that much either. i think people that dont like to snuggle must have SERIOUS mental issues and should be put in a "home". but back to what i was saying...we went to lego land last weekend it was so fun!! thats what the picture above is of (just incase you cant read the sign) today im fixing to take some pictures

i hope this appeases you julie (aka strider) hahahahahahahahahaha


Anonymous said...

i grew up in a home....they call them ORPHANAGES now days....hahhahahha

good job little pickle. i'm proud of you

Michelle said...

OMG......CHUCK is that you with the green bag???!!!oh me oh my, tsk tsk...
And is it just me, or are you wearing a checkered shirt in the "photoshop practice"?? *gasp*
And hahahahhahahah, if thats Jimmy with the "mowhawk" or whatever I will laugh extra extra hard. Miss you girls