Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Now, I know some of you have been thinking, if i see that teeth post up here one more time it could be enough to trigger a slight headache which may even lead to a full blown migraine, and worst of all, yet not difficult to imagine, lost of appetite resulting in, of course, chronic fatigue. And yet, not one of you has been daring enough to do anything about it.

Good news fans, I am here. I've been playing school teacher to three delightful young ladies and although I have yet to see one apple on my desk, I have to say I enjoy it. Big surprise, I know. Especially because school was never something I loved. In fact, I had a pretty healthy hatred for it. All that is, except math.

Ah math!! Nothing like a good algebra problem to get me just giddy with excitement. Why? because there were absolute rules which, if followed exactly, would bring you to and absolute answer. And that, was genius. If only life were that simple. Math should be a religion.


Unknown said...

Hey!! I totally did mean to send a hate comment about the teeth. I think it didn't post - maybe I went offline.
By the way, hahahaha Julie! I knew you were gonna be the OC teacher whether you wanted it or not! I hope they are being good for you. Make sure that they remember me.
Anyway, I tried the whole math thing when I was in Taiwan, because I figured it might be fun; you did it so incessantly. And what do you know? It was fun! But I got called a nerd. That wasn't fun.
So the moral of the story is, Julie, you're a nerd. And Christy has teeth.

Anonymous said...

About TIME you showed up!
We came as fast as we could.

Christie and Julie said...

haley? no im haley. i just saw that with the girls.

Anonymous said...

oh and my teeth are too pretty to give anyone a loss of appitite!
almost as pretty as my feet...

His Worship said...

if your teeth were remotely near the level of beauty that your feet have sunk to you'd be the product of a sad cross between a chipmunk and a hag with no dental hygiene, who liked to chew on raw rabbit sinew.

You can TAKE THAT! if you can figure it out

bwaahaha i am supreme! like new york super double chuck fudge chocolate ice cream from ben and jerrys

Anita said...

you guys sure don't post much any more, what happened to you?
...and don't use my lack of posting as an excuse,at least I'm consistant at it