Sunday, February 3, 2008


so it was yesterday but obvisouly we were to busy looking for beatles and eating to post. thanks for taking me on your vacation and going to the movies and getting scared and going to the planet-arium and getting dissy and going shopping and getting parched and having baleys shots and watching movies in my servants courters. so YES happy aniversary!!


Anonymous said...

six years right?? you guys so much and im glad that julie was there to represent me for you. (i think)

i have a bone disorder. i cannot pronounce the "T" in planet-arium.

..omg...we killed kenny...

Anonymous said...

yes, Happy Anniversary guys.
Wishing you th best year yet.

Joanna said...

ha! well this hasn't much to do with any anniversary butI just noticed your sadness about heath ledger! gee it made me happy! hahahah. Not to disrespect but...Dead people RULE lololol, have a nice day.

Gabe is wondering what is a kind of name like Heath?...I decided to wonder to.

Anonymous said...

I hope we can get you a bone marrow transplant but until then we'll make you feel better by singing you songs about "cheesy poofs"...:)Francesca
Congrats Angie and I can't wait to see you..and I love your beautiful babies!!!