Saturday, May 23, 2009

dont be ridiculous!

A bathroom door is nothing compared to my sister Sara. She visited me all the way from Italy and the only reason I didnt post before is because I spent most of my time trying to hang out with her. We discovered oil, and silent sliding contests and demon karioke bars that were mean to us and she and Jimi and I all fell asleep watching "rapidos y furiosos" and her son is the best thing since sliced bread. I miss you and cant wait till you get back!


Nyna said...

awwww, so cute! Fella guy is the best in the whole world! Such talented artwork. :)

julie(smith) said...

hahah see fella makes normal kids look ugly...and his bottom makes them feel inadequate. ILY gya

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, who drew the picture? Sounds like you all had a blast....wish I coulda been there. Can someone send me some high-res photos of the event>

Anonymous said...

hahaha rapidos y furiosos....
Christy, I'm so glad you stuck to it, this was quite sweet, even if the opening lines smacked of insincerity. if I was your sister, I'd feel loved.
xoxo - Leigh

Anonymous said...

wow, u make it sound so stressful HAVING to hang out with ur sis. and we all know you wouldn't have written shit about her if it wern't for a random comment.
i just feel bad for anyone spending all that money to see yall.

Anonymous said...

odd post.
lame excuses.
weird pretense.

Nyna said...

at least put your name if you're going to say stuff. and be so rude, and intense, and vocal, and critical.

Nyna said...

Christy and Julie are wonderful, sincere people. They don't blog about important, real stuff that is going on. They're blog is very random, and just for fun. They don't post their thoughts, and values, and inner most feelings for all to see on the web.
I would be SUPER touched if Christy took her time to do a little drawing of me. It's heartfelt. If you want to think otherwise...your loss. Our family is close, we don't need a blog post to prove that.

Poochies said...

That freaky looking guy who looks crazy must be Dante, am I right or am I right??? I'M RIGHT!!!!

Joanna said...

it looks like a Dante pose...Fella guy is pretty much rock and roll, he's the best thing for making raspberries on.

Unknown said...

hey hey hey! how cool,
this post is all for ME!!....well me, and FELLA GUY!
so all the rest of u can only post fabulous comments about ME! ...and fella guy
hahha, dante looks like he's going potty for the first time. (shiner boy!!:)
such cool art. looks just like me, i have to sleep with my mouth open cuz my nose is too small to breath!...aaahh!

Unknown said...

... we also discovered a WHOLE LOT of fizzy bubbly!
... and blue "sleeping pills!" that don't mix good in margaritas....aaahhhha!

oh, and one of these days you've gotta take dante out for the diarrhea burrito he wants so bad....yum yum :P

Michelle said...

you should have your lights knocked out you anonymous you...Julie and Christy might be random and something you're not used to, but they are definetly sincere, and probably better people then you will ever be. HRMPH! Wowza...Dante looks like an Uncle Jebadiah, and is he wearing glasses? the kiddo looks like a serious rastafarian...I totally think hes the awsumist! Jimi looks like himself. heheheheheh.
You look too scrunched up to be true...and wheres Guppi???
Gia, her hair is quite longly, and her jaw...thats seriously sexy. hahahaha. ohhh..and your heads look like they could fall off any minute.
conclusion: this is serious art. P.S. Hows your VMF fund working out? seems Englands where you'll have to come find me...