Sunday, March 16, 2008

OH BOY!!........say no to mariscos

PLEASE no more shrimp cocktail NO MORE please oh jesus help me. i dont like sea food and i dont think its very good for you. if i see one more mariscos i'll go crazy. its SEMANA SANTA and what are you doing with your life? are you enjoying palm sunday? i did see some children selling palm branches on the streets AND got to scare jonny twice so i am. tyj.

i miss my christie. if any of you DEAR readers see little christie aimlessly walking by please give her a kiss on her nose and tell her i love her.

i secretly love it when the singing team gets home to late cuz that means more time with my little twinkle toe amanda. i love scorpio kids. GUESS WHAT? i just found out some news! hahhaha i have a scorpio rising what a surprise. NOT THAT I CARE ABOUT ASTROLOGY beause its a FALSE science but ASTRONOMY is a true god given science. (astrology has a "L" in it which stands for "lie").

What if "the hokey pokey" is REALLY what it's all about?
WHat if i was your grandma what would you say about that huh?
If you have something to say and you dont say it thats telling a lie.


Anonymous said...

wow..all that work and this is what you produce for me? i like you julie..i dont want to have to fire you! i didnt know it was easter! well i knew we were practicing songs for it but since i cant understand spanish i didnt really know what i was singing about. but i guess its better that way. today i made a list of all the things i need and i was very happy to see how short it was. you see....unlike you im not high maintenance.

Anonymous said...

actually i help people that are high maintenance which means that i'm not.

Anonymous said...

I guess everyone lies all the time then.